Canada Blooms

Wildscaping: A New Approach To Gardening In A Changing Climate

About Joyce Hostyn

Joyce dreams of city streets lined with fruit and nut trees, an orchard in every park and a garden in every yard. Seeing each yard as a possibility space, one yearning to burst free from tightly controlled grass and foundation plantings to become a beautiful, biodiverse, place populated with edibles, natives and companionable exotics. Raised on a farm where her family grew, foraged and preserved enough produce to last the year, she now experiments with edible forest gardening on a lawn-free quarter acre lot. Joyce teaches, coaches and writes about edible landscaping, forest gardening and renaturing our cities. She has a particular interest in finding a new approach to gardening in a changing climate where our perspective needs to shift due to more variable weather conditions such as wetter springs, drier summers, colder winters and more extreme storms. She draws inspiration from our local landscapes and indigenous flora to create wilder, more resilient and naturally beautiful gardens.

By: Joyce Hostyn

MAR 17
Tues 10:00am to 8:00pm

Isuzu Garden Solutions Stage presented by Harrowsmith (Hall G)
12:00 PM

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What is Canada Blooms?

Canada Blooms is an annual world-class festival that connects people to the joys and benefits of nature through experiences with gardens and flowers, by promoting, educating, inspiring and celebrating all aspects of horticulture....


Canada Blooms
7856 Fifth Line South
Milton, ON L9T 2X8

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